Skill up fast with online courses designed to make users efficient in the ListenFirst platform, ultimately improving your return on marketing spend investment.
Become an Expert
ListenFirst University is an online portal that provides bite-size training courses to help users learn the fundamentals of the ListenFirst platform, training them to become social analytics experts.
Created for your convenience and fast-pace environment.
See a faster return on your investment.
Get everyone on the same page.
Foster professional growth.
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”
How will this impact my ROI?
Gaining a solid foundation of how the ListenFirst platform works will make your users more efficient, and your insights more meaningful. Unlike with scheduled training sessions, users are able to complete courses at their convenience, and in an engaging way. Account leaders will be able to view progress and recognize the individual team members who are leading the way.
Why is consistency so important?
Courses kick off with the fundamentals, which means everyone will learn how to perform analysis using the same processes. Consistent training courses also keep everyone up-to-date on the latest ListenFirst platform enhancements.
What's in it for the training participant?
Individual users will learn the ins and outs of social media analytics – from paid performance benchmarks to industry trends, consumer sentiments, and more. Completing step-by-step training will lead to a deeper understanding of social media marketing, expert efficiencies in social media analytics, and even career progression.
Ready to ramp up your skills in social media analytics?
Reach out to your ListenFirst sales representative or customer success manager to learn how you can gain access to ListenFirst University.